GRC Dogsports

44Gameness, Relationship, Control

GRC Dog Sports is a new breed of dog sport club. It seeks to celebrate and test not only the dog’s gameness, but the relationship with the handler, and the dog’s self control. Even though we are doing the drive sports associated with the APBT, we are open to all breeds. The sports we will offer competition in are:

Treadmill Race,

Weight Pull,

Wall Climb,

Spring Pole

      The Mill Race, Weight Pull, and Wall Climb are traditionally done without any control parameters. But, in this sport, the higher levels will have increasing impulse control requirements layered into the events. Such as stays while waiting for the release to start, or increasing the distance from the handler to test area of influence. This will require not just drive, but control to get the advanced titles

      Of course before we even get to the drive events….. All teams will do a “Social Responsibility” test!!!!

      We encourage relationship centered, motivational training. Teams can lose points, or be fouled out for dogs showing avoidance. And, handlers can be disqualified at any point, at any event, or anywhere at the show at all, for any harsh or abusive treatment.

GRC’s Website has all the information you need to get started.

GRC Dogsports FaceBook page is a great way to connect with the community of people in this new sport.